Homes in Sedgemoor urges customers to be wary of aggressive law firms

A council house tenant has been left out of pocket after a “No Win, No Fee” solicitor persuaded her to sue a Somerset housing group.

After their customer lost the case, Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS) warned residents that heavy-handed legal firms may pressurise them into making unnecessary claims. 

The claimant, one of Homes in Sedgemoor’s customers, alleged that HiS had ignored areas of disrepair and that this had led to mould growing in her property.

The court found in Homes in Sedgemoor’s favour, leaving the claimant distressed and out of pocket.

Condensation mould can form in any home and is caused by many factors. These include leaving windows shut and not allowing enough ventilation to the property, and this is the type of mould that was present at the claimant’s property.

The claimant had been convinced by her solicitor to take the matter to court, and she’d cited a defective door, window seals, extractor fan and a leak in the bathroom as reasons for the mould.

The court, however, found that the evidence was unreliable. It was found that Homes in Sedgemoor had acted in a proper manner and that the mould found was caused by other factors.

Rik Saunders, Property Services Manager at Homes in Sedgemoor, said: 

“Homes in Sedgemoor as a landlord has an obligation to make repairs to the structure and the exterior of a property within a reasonable time, and many of the defects that were complained about did not fall under that obligation. We acted as and when we were requested to do so, and the mould at the property was caused by other factors which were within the customer’s control to prevent. 

“We’re increasingly becoming concerned about law firms targeting vulnerable residents who are enticed by the promise of a “no win, no fee” outcome, but sadly often the claimant will have to shoulder hidden costs that they may not have been informed about. We would urge our customers to be cautious if they are approached by any of these firms.”

Homes in Sedgemoor provides its customers with advice to prevent condensation mould on its website which you can find here.

Complaints can be made by emailing our customer services team at in the first instance.

Alternatively, call 0800 585 360 or 01278 552 400, send us a private message on Facebook, visit our reception at Bridgwater House, or write to Homes in Sedgemoor, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AR

Your complaint will be investigated by our Customer Focus Manager, Rachel, and the relevant service manager.

We promise to investigate your complaint quickly and fairly, and we will acknowledge your communication within 2 working days. A full response will then be sent to you within 10 working days.