Customers First is an organisational-wide commitment to providing an excellent service to our customers, as outlined within our Customers First Strategy.

Putting our Customers First is part of everybody’s role within the organisation and is relevant for our external and internal customers.

Customers First embraces the ethos of customer focus, mutual respect, empathy and support for our people.

What is Customers First?

Our culture of Customers First means we always treat our people with respect, listen and empathise with different situations and viewpoints, and aim to reach a mutually amicable outcome.

We strive to adopt a solution focused approach, ensuring we are realistic and honest with customer expectations, to enable collaboration and compromise when necessary.

Our Customers First ethos links directly with our organisational values:

  1. 1

    To ensure a customer focused approach

  2. 2

    To be innovative and open to new ways of delivering our services

  3. 3

    To enable our customers and partners to trust that we will always be reliable and fair

To demonstrate our organisational commitment to ensuring all colleagues adopt this approach, we are working towards achieving accreditation with the Institute of Customer Service.

Who are our customers?

Our Customers First approach and culture is a commitment and approach that is applicable and relevant to all our people, including our external customers, internal colleagues and working partners.

Customers First is equally as important for how we work with our internal colleagues, as it is how we treat our external customers and residents, and by truly intertwining the ethos throughout Homes in Sedgemoor, we know our people will be supported, trusted and have their voices heard.

Customers First Strategy

The Customers First Strategy outlines our commitment, and how we implement and embed the culture within Homes in Sedgemoor.

This means we will:

  1. F

    Focus on providing excellent service to our customers

  2. I

    Innovate and adopt a flexible approach to delivering our services

  3. R

    Respect our customers and each other

  4. S

    Support our customers and colleagues and adopt a one-team approach

  5. T

    Trust that our colleagues will work in a fair and transparent way

Customers First logo which includes a group of customers standing in front of a transparent house with a teal 'Customers First' Banner

Contact us

There are many different ways you can get in touch with Homes in Sedgemoor. To find out how, visit our contacting us page.