We are aware customers are experiencing delays in payments posting to their rent accounts. We are working hard with Somerset Council to resolve this issue but please be assured your payments are perfectly safe and will be allocated to accounts as soon as possible.

We understand that sometimes we don’t get things right. We’re always looking to improve our services and what we can do for you here at Homes in Sedgemoor. Your feedback is important to us and if you need to make a complaint you can do so in the following ways:

Homes in Sedgemoor,
Bridgwater House,
King Square

Your complaint will be investigated by our Customer Focus Manager, Rachel, and the relevant service manager.

We promise to investigate your complaint quickly and fairly, and we will acknowledge your communication within 2 working days. A full response will then be sent to you within 10 working days.

You can read our full Complaints Policy, or contact our Customer Services Team on 0800 585 360 for a paper copy.

Satisfaction Surveys

Your opinion is very important to us and we use a Tenant Satisfaction Measures to ensure we reach our high standards.
We measure ourselves against Management Agreement Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), set by the council and the Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) set by the House Regulator. Other targets are set by our Board. The Board set Strategic and Operational KPIs and targets are set at a high level of performance within the sector we operate.
You may be contacted by a company called Acuity, who carries out the surveys on our behalf.

Lessons Learned

We know we don’t always get things right first time, but we are proud that we listen to our customers to continuously improve our services.

We have introduced various initiatives based upon what we have learnt from your feedback, including:

You said … our letters about asbestos were not clear

We have … now updated the letters with regards to asbestos inspections, so it is clear if the inspection is needed for works or if it is a management re-inspection, as required by the HSE guidance.

You said … our standards after specific surveys could be improved

We have … updated our standards for making good following any intrusive surveys for electrical and asbestos works, so we leave your homes as we found them.

You said … support during initial verification could be better

We have … now introduced a process for offering additional support as needed during the initial verification, to ensure that all necessary services can be accessed as needed, before sign-up day.

You said … our planned works communications should be improved

We have… reviewed and improved our processes for communicating with customers prior to planned works within your home.