Freedom of Information
Find out answers to Freedom of Information requests received by Homes in Sedgemoor
Freedom of Information request questions and answers are all available to read here. This current list includes requests received in the last rent year (from April 2022)
FOI Request | Description | Number |
Please may you provide me with the number of complaints made to your council by individuals concerning their neighbours, separated by issue e.g. noise, statutory nuisance, boundary dispute etc Can I please have the above data for the following periods: • 1st January 2021 – Present • 1st January 2020 – 31st December 2020 • 1st January 2019 – 31st December 2019 | 2021 Description Alcohol Communal Areas/Loitering Domestic Abuse Drugs Garden Nuisance Harassments/Threats Hate Related Incidents Noise Organised Crime Gang related Other Criminal Behaviour Other Violence Pets/Animals Rubbish Shouting/Swearing/Rowdy Behaviour Vandalism Vehicles 2020 Description Alcohol Communal Areas/Loitering Domestic Abuse Drugs Garden Nuisance Harassments/Threats Hate Related Incidents Noise Organised Crime Gang related Other Criminal Behaviour Other Violence Pets/Animals Prostitution/Sex Rubbish Shouting/Swearing/Rowdy Behaviour Vandalism Vehicles 2019 Description Alcohol Communal Areas/Loitering Domestic Abuse Drugs Garden Nuisance Harassments/Threats Hate Related Incidents Noise Organised Crime Gang related Other Violence Pets/Animals Rubbish Shouting/Swearing/Rowdy Behaviour Vandalism Vehicles | Number 5 30 1 67 20 94 4 224 3 15 19 37 11 104 11 26 GRAND TOTAL 671 10 22 3 50 39 72 6 222 8 9 11 25 1 5 100 7 8 GRAND TOTAL 598 1 5 6 36 17 33 3 89 5 4 10 4 46 8 2 GRAND TOTAL 269 |
Do you also have a record of indecent exposure complaints by individuals concerning their neighbours? e.g. individuals filing complaints around seeing their neighbour exposed by the window or garden. | We do not specifically collect this information if it was of concern it would be added to one of the categories above. |
FOI Request | Answer |
How many complaints accusing the council or council workers of racism did the council receive from tenants between April 1, 2021 and April 1, 2022. How many of those complaints related to housing in any capacity? (eg failing to do repairs as a result of racism) How many of the total complaints about racism were upheld? How many of the complaints to do with racism and housing were upheld? | For HiS – 0 0 N/A N/A |
Accordion Item Description
FOI Request | Answer |
What is the average percentage increase in service charges being imposed on council housing tenants in general needs housing (excluding those in temporary accommodation) in 2023/24 compared to 2022/23? | 13.13% |
2. If different percentage increases are being implemented in different housing estates, please provide any details the council holds | Service charges are not set on a geographic area. They are set for each individual property based on the services provided to the property and the floor area of the same. |
3. What is the average service charge that the council charged for one-bedroom general needs council homes in 2022/23 and 2023/24 respectively (preferably excluding temporary accommodation units)? | 2022/23 £4.71 2023/24 £3.65 |
4. What is the average service charge that the council charged for two-bedroom general needs council homes in 2022/23 and 2023/24 respectively (preferably excluding temporary accommodation units)? | 2022/23 £4.02 2023/24 £4.68 |
5. What is the average service charge that the council charged for three-bedroom general needs council homes in 2022/23 and 2023/24 respectively (preferably excluding temporary accommodation units)? | 2022/23 £0.44 2023/24 £0.48 |
How many medium-rise buildings (11 metres to 18 metres tall) have been identified as having aluminium composite cladding, including any which have had remediation works started or completed? (Please give the building or street name, or the area in which each is based if that is not possible) | None within Homes in Sedgemoor stock. |
How many high-rise buildings above 18 metres tall have been identified as having aluminium composite cladding, including any which have had remediation works started or completed? (Please give the building or street name, or the area in which each is based if that is not possible) | None within Homes in Sedgemoor stock. |
How many buildings with AC cladding (11m tall or higher) are in the private residential sector, how many are in the social residential sector, how many are student accommodation, and how many fall outside these categories? | N/A See above |
How many buildings with AC cladding (11m tall or higher) have had remediation works started, how many have had remediation works completed, and how many are yet to have remediation works? | None within Homes in Sedgemoor stock. |
What is the estimated cost of cladding remediation works for all buildings 11m tall or higher with AC cladding, including any which have such work already completed? | Nil |
How much funding has been allocated to the council by the devolved or central UK government for cladding remediation works, as of today’s date? | Nil |
FOI Request | Answer |
The Name of the housing management software used by the Local Authority (this software is what is used to manage tenants and rents etc..) – If the LA uses their own in-house software please state. | Capita OPEN Housing |
Could you please confirm the start and end date for the contract for this software? | 1 March 2022 to 31 March 2025 |
The Name of the asset management software used by the Local Authority (this software is that used to manage properties) If the LA uses their own in-house or this is part of the housing management package software please state. | PIMSS |
Could you please confirm the start and end date for the contract for this software? | Annual rolling proposal |
FOI Request | Answer |
Any briefing, reports, audits, evaluations or impact assessments (such as Equality, Data Protection Privacy Impact Assessments) relating to your Housing Association’s use of Voicescape’s software. | Contract was set prior to Jan 1st 2019 |
Any training, information or guidance documents given by the software provider to your Housing Association. | Contract was set prior to Jan 1st 2019 |
Any sales documents or marketing material given to the Housing Association by the software provider. | Contract was set prior to Jan 1st 2019 |
Any contracts* you have with the software provider. | Contract was set prior to Jan 1st 2019 |
Any documents or information on the performance of the software, particularly that giving assessment in relation to demographics and equalities. | Contract was set prior to Jan 1st 2019 |
What data sources are used to supply the software with information, please provide any relevant documents? | Data is collated from our housing management software, OPEN Housing. No documents available. |
Does your housing association use Voicescape’s risk scoring tool, if so please provide any policy documents outlining out this is used. | Contract was set prior to Jan 1st 2019 |
1. What is the total number of council housing (including ALMO) tenant households in the local authority area (excluding voids)? | 3956 |
2. How many council housing (including ALMO) tenant households are currently awaiting repair work on their council homes, as logged with the council (excluding voids)? | 192 |
3. Of the figure in question 2, how many are logged as emergency repairs? | None |
4. Of the figure in question 2, how many households have been waiting more than 28 days/a month (including those covered by questions 5 and 6)? | 52 |
5. Of the figure in question 2, how many households have been waiting more than six months (including those covered by question 6)? | 4 |
6. Of the figure in question 2, how many households have been waiting more than a year? | None |
7. How many void council housing units are currently awaiting repair work? | We currently have 3 major voids and 24 standard voids being worked on |
8. Please list the required repairs for the households covered by question 5, in detail if available. Please identify any which are logged as emergency repairs | 1. Make good ceiling following leak 2. Decoration following leak 3. Bathroom window repair 4. Plaster repairs to lintel None classed as emergency |
9. Please list the required repairs for the households covered by question 6, in detail if available. Please identify any which are logged as emergency repairs | None |
1. a) The number of private high rise residential buildings in your borough as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) b) The number of private high rise residential buildings with ACM cladding systems in your borough as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) c) The number of private high rise residential buildings in your borough with only one fire escape staircase as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) | SDC response only |
2. a) The number of social high rise residential buildings in your borough as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) b) The number of social high rise residential buildings with ACM cladding systems in your borough as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) c) The number of private high rise residential buildings in your borough with only one fire escape staircase as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) NB: We have taken this to mean social high rise and answered accordingly | a)1 b)0 c)1 |
3. a) The number of social high rise residential buildings in your borough as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) b) The number of social high rise residential buildings with ACM cladding systems in your borough as of 31st May 2022 (or the latest available figures) | a)1 b)0 |
4. How does this compare to the situation between 2017-2021? For the sake of clarity, please could you provide answers to Q1, Q2 and Q3 but for the following years: a. 2017 b. 2018 c. 2019 d. 2020 e. 2021 | a)1 b)1 c)1 d)1 e)1 |
Please take the term ‘high rise’ to mean 18 meters or 6 six floors and higher, as referred to in the Hackett review. |
FOI Request | Answer |
Please could you confirm if you have a Tenants Contents Insurance offering in place for your tenants? | We do not offer tenants content insurance. |
If so, can you confirm when this is due for renewal and tender procedure. | There is no contract in place. |
FOI Request | Answer |
The number of complaints submitted to the council in relation to the installation of a domestic heat pump, specifically in regards to a loss of amenity for: 01/08/2020 – 30/07/2021 01/08/2021 – 30/07/2022 | 4 1 |
I would also like to know the number of complaints during these periods that were upheld, and in how many cases a heat pump was ordered to be removed. | 1 upheld which resulted in changing the unit to another Air Source Heat Pump |
Furthermore, if possible through a keyword search, I would like to know how many complaints specifically cited the following: · Loss of light · Excessive noise · Intrusion of privacy If this is not possible, or would exceed the cost limit, this can be omitted. | 1 |
In the most recent 10 cases in 2022, I would like to know any summary of the complaint you have on file. Again, if this would exceed the cost limit or it is information you do not have, please omit. | No complaints received in 2022 |
FOI Request | Answer |
Does your council have an in-house housing repairs service or does it outsource its repairs service? | It is outsourced. |
If it has an in-house service, when did this begin? | Not applicable |
If it has an outsourced service, when did this begin? | Initially 2012 |
If it has an outsourced service, does it have plans to change to an in-house service, or vice-versa? | No, we are just starting a new 7 year contract. |
FOI Request | Answer |
What is your Customer Service/Call Centre’s breakdown of inbound call’s per month over the last 6 month’s regarding Urgent Housing Repairs? | There were 548 urgent repairs raised between 1 June 2022 and 31 October 2022. June – 117 July – 101 August – 103 September – 115 October – 112 Total 548 These will have been a mix of calls direct to our Customer Services Team and to our Out of Hours provision. We are unable to distinguish between them. |
FOI Request | Answer |
1. What is the total number of council housing (including ALMO) tenant households in the local authority area (excluding voids)? | 3,888 occupied households1 |
2. How many council housing (including ALMO) tenant households are currently awaiting repair work on their council homes, as logged with the council (excluding voids)? | 912 |
3. Of the figure in question 2, how many are logged as emergency repairs? | 0 |
4. Of the figure in question 2, how many households have been waiting more than 28 days/a month (including those covered by questions 5 and 6)? | 22 |
5. Of the figure in question 2, how many households have been waiting more than six months (including those covered by question 6)? | 0 |
6. Of the figure in question 2, how many households have been waiting more than a year? | 0 |
7. Please list the required repairs for the households covered by question 5, in detail if available. Please identify any which are logged as emergency repairs | N/A |
8. Please list the required repairs for the households covered by question 6, in detail if available. Please identify any which are logged as emergency repairs | N/A |
Notes: 1 This figure does not include Leaseholders (112) or Shared Ownership households (76). 2 Data correct as at 22 November 2022. Garage and fencing repairs are not included. |
FOI Request | Answer |
Could you provide us with a list of any non-traditional build types for residential properties and associated postcodes within your coverage area? I couldn’t find a record of the information having already been published or that you’d already responded to a similar FOI request; if these records can be accessed online could you point us in the right direction? |
FOI Request | Answer |
I am requesting the length of time and the reasons why the following properties have been empty for a long period of time during a housing shortage: 2 Windmill Cresent, Woolavington 6 Windmill Cresent, Woolavington the two bottom floor flats at The Verriers North Petherton | The homes have been unavailable to let for 329 and 326 days respectively. From time to time, Homes in Sedgemoor are required to undertake a sustainability and options appraisal on its properties to ascertain the level of investment to bring up to the decent homes standard, a standard set by government to support the delivery of affordable and economically viable homes. These properties are currently withdrawn from letting for this purpose. |
1. (a) How many residential properties does the council currently own? (b) What is the total value (or estimated value) of these properties? | 3,948 fully owned 76 shared ownership £576,995,000 (valuation as at 31 March 2021) |
2. (a) How many residential properties does the council own which are currently vacant/ empty? (b) What is the total value (or estimated value) of these properties? | 58 (this includes homes earmarked for a key project and redevelopment) £5,740,000 (valuation as at 31 March 2021) |
3. (a) How many residential properties does the council own which have been vacant/ empty for more than six months? (b) What is the total value (or estimated value) of these properties? | 20 (this includes homes earmarked for a key project and redevelopment) £1,265,000 (valuation as at 31 March 2021) |
4. Please provide a list of all residential properties that the council currently owns which have been vacant/ empty for more than six months. For each property, please state: (i) the full address; (ii) the number of bedrooms; (iii) the amount paid for the property at time of purchase; (iv) the current estimated value, if known. | BS26 1 90000 TA6 3 0 TA6 2 90000 TA6 2 90000 TA7 2 90000 TA7 2 90000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 1 80000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 1 80000 TA6 0 50000 TA6 0 80000 TA6 1 70000 TA6 3 0 TA6 0 80000 TA9 1 75000 Please note that we will not be supplying the full address, and data is not readily available for amount paid for the property at the time of purchase. |
FOI Request | Answer |
How many social housing properties run by the council are currently considered “unfit for human habitation” in your authority? | 4 – none of which are currently occupied |
Between 14 June 2017 and 14 November 2022, how many complaints has the local authority received from council tenants relating to mould? | 0 complaints regarding Damp and Mould have been received (see note) |
Of those households that put in a complaint, how many were home to children under-18? | 0 complaints received |
Of those households that put in a complaint, how many put in multiple complaints? | 0 complaints received |
What action was taken in response to each of the complaints? | 0 complaints received |
Note: Since 2021, we have introduced an official category of Damp & Mould when logging repair visits on our system, and since this date we have logged 201 contacts from customers reporting an issue with damp and mould. These contacts resulted in a property inspection followed by remedial action where necessary. Disrepair claims are not treated as complaints. |
FOI Request | Answer |
Using the definition of the proportion of housing officers who leave your organisation as a percentage of total housing officers at your organisation, please provide the turnover of housing officers for the following years: | |
January 1 2017 to January 1 2018 | 0/5 = 0% |
January 1 2018 to January 1 2019 | 1/5 = 20% |
January 1 2019 to January 1 2020 | 1/5 = 20% |
January 1 2020 to January 1 2021 | 1/6 = 16.6% |
January 1 2021 to January 1 2022 | 1/6 = 16.6% |
January 1 2021 to January 1 2022 | 1/6 = 16.6% |
January 1 2022 to January 1 2023 | 0/8 = 0% |
Please give breakdown per year | |
How many housing officers have resigned from your organisation before serving six months in the role between January 1 2017 and January 1 2023? 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
How many housing officers have resigned from your organisation before serving 12 months in the role between January 1 2017 and January 1 2023? 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 | 0 0 0 1 0 0 |
By ‘housing officer’, I mean someone who is a front line worker, assigned to a certain number of tenants and with whom tenants raise any issues/concerns they have. If the council doesn’t use a patch based approach, someone who deals with housing related complaints or queries from tenants and updates tenants on housing applications (for example). Please can the information be based only on housing officers who leave by the reason of resignation. |
FOI Request | Answer |
In the past year up to February 1, 2023, have you set up a damp and mould task force/ team? | Although not a new team, HiS have increased resources to our Repairs and Maintenance service and enhanced our approach with a new Team Leader role. |
If so, when did you set it up? | New role with effect from 1 April 2023 |
How much money have you set aside/do you anticipate the task force/team will cost in the first year from its launch? | Approximately £50k set aside |
Between November 21st 2022 and November 21st 2017, how many compensation claims did you pay out to council tenants after they claimed damp and/or mould caused them respiratory issues/ ill health. | 2 compensation claims were paid |
How much money was paid out for all the claims? | £26,000 1 |
Can you give a breakdown in cost per year? | 2019: £20,000 2022: £ 6,000 |
What was the most paid out in a single claim? | 2019: £20,000 |
If it does not go over the £450 limit: Via what process were these claims made? How many were via the Housing Ombudsman? How many via the local authority complaint process? | The above claims were made via the disrepair legal process. No cases have been referred to us via the Housing Ombudsman for damp and mould. No cases have been made via the local authority complaint process. |
Note 1 :The amounts paid followed a disrepair claim process which resulted from undetected leaks, which in turn led to damp and mould. The compensation paid covered the cost of remedying the damage done, acknowledgement of impact on health and inconvenience payments, and is inclusive of legal costs. |
FOI Request | Answer |
What are the contractual performance KPI’s for this contract? | These were developed once the contract was embedded. We currently report monthly on % of statutory inspections completed. |
Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each contract and were successful & not successful at the PQQ & ITT stages | Openview Security Solutions won the contract. Contractors who completed PQQ: · ABCA Systems Ltd · Cirrus Communication Systems Ltd · Openview Security Solutions Ltd · SCCI Alphahtrack Ltd |
Actual spend on this contract (and any sub lots), from the start of the contract to the current date | We have spent £658,606 since 2015. |
Start date & duration of contract? | 1st April 2015 three year duration ending on 31st March 2018 but was extended to 2020. |
Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised? | |
Is there an extension clause in the contract and, if so, the duration of the extension? | Yes for two years. Contract lasted for five years ending at the end of March 2020. |
Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract are being either extended or renewed? | We are currently in the process of re-procuring |
How and when will this contract be re-procured? | This will be done via an open tender process in the spring of 2023 |
Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract? | Naomi Macey, Director of Asset Management & Safety |
NOTE: Warden call installations are not included in this return as they are managed by Sedgemoor District Council |
FOI Request | Answer |
1. Please provide a) The total number of properties that have been transferred to private ownership under the Right to Buy Scheme. | 257 1 |
b) The time scale of your search (EG: 1982-2022) (I am aware that some councils will have older records than others.) | February 2011 to December 2022 |
2. Please compare this list with your HMO licence register. You can pivot the information on the address field, or potentially title number. Please provide: a) The number of properties that appear on both lists. | Sedgemoor DC to respond |
Notes 1 Only records specifically marked “Sold Right to Buy” are included in this figure. |