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TitleHate Crime Policy
Lead Officer/AuthorClaire Tough
PositionDirector of Communities and Customer Service
Department/SectionCommunities and Customer Service
Contact details01278 435400
Email: claire.tough@homesinsedgemoor.org
Homes in Sedgemoor, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AR
Document controlDateComments
VersionV1.0This is a new Policy. Version control reset
Therefore this is version 1.0
Draft producedJuly 2023
H&S Forum consultation8 Nov 2023Circulated for Review
I.T. Steering Group ConsultationNA
G.D.P.R. Working Group ConsultationIncluded with SLT
Leadership Team consultationIncluded with SLT
Tenants Service Improvement Group19 Sept 2023Suggestion to include involved customers panel in e-learning
Strategic Leadership Team/H&S Committee approvalAugust 2023Include how colleagues, contractors and customers are appraised of this policy.
Update to refer to the Data Protection Act 2018
Board approvalNot Required
Approved version issued
Issue number
Target reviewNov 2026

Policy Statement

This policy statement sets out Homes in Sedgemoor’s (HiS) policy on managing reports of Hate Crime. It includes a statement of principles for use by colleagues for developing and accessing arrangements for those who have experienced or are experiencing hate crime.


There is no legal definition of hostility so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.
A working definition is “Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards someone based on a personal characteristic”.
A hate incident is when the victim or anyone else thinks an incident, such as bullying or abuse, was motivated by hostility or prejudice based on one of the following things:

All colleagues, contractors, customers and prospective customers are appraised of this at the commencement of their tenancy, lease or contract with us through staff induction, contract commencement meetings and our website.

A hate crime can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault, bullying, incitement to hatred as well as damage to property.

The perpetrator can be a friend, carer or acquaintance who exploits their relationship with the victim for financial gain or some other criminal purpose. Mate crime is when vulnerable people are befriended, bullied or manipulated by people they consider to be friends.

When hate incidents become criminal offences they are known as hate crimes.

Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this Hate Crime Policy is to strengthen our commitment to tackling hate crime and incidents and to make sure support is available to people who are victims of hate crime and hate incidents.
We will do this by:

This policy is intended as guidance to set out a clear and effective response to deal with reports of hate incidents.

Scope of the Policy

This Policy incorporates all the functions and services delivered by Homes In Sedgemoor (HIS) staff, partners, contractors and nominated charities and specifically relates to:

Principles and Our Commitment

We value our diverse communities which make Somerset a unique and vibrant place to live, work and visit.
However, we know that diverse communities can face discrimination, harassment and hate crime and incidents. There is no place for these forms of prejudice and hate and we will do all we can with our partners to tackle this.
We will:

Reporting Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents

If you’ve been affected by hate crime, we can help you. We will offer you support and help you decide what to do next.
Within 24 hours of us receiving a report regarding a hate crime, you will be contacted by an officer who will arrange a home visit, or you can request to meet at a location of your choice.
At the visit we will:

Responsible Persons

The Director of Communities and Customer Service is the strategic lead within the organisation and is responsible for working with partners and stakeholders to ensure we are delivering on our commitments to eradicate hate crime and ensure our communities are safe places for all.

The Housing Manager is responsible for the effective implementation of this policy and ensuring that all colleagues are adequately trained to support customers who report hate crime or hate incidents.


Legal Requirements

This policy is drawn up taking in to account the following legislation:

“Action Against Hate”; the UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime (published July 2016) guidance has also been taken into account in developing this Policy, as well as the governments published Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Action Plan (March 2023).

We will use a wide range of approaches to tackle hate crime, keep up to date on current best practice and self-assess against the seven core commitments of the “Respect – ASB Charter for Housing”. The seven commitments are:

If we identify gaps in service provision, action plans will be produced to address these.

Performance Monitoring

Within the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) Neighbourhood and Community Standard, HIS commit to ensuring the neighbourhoods we manage are clean, safe and well maintained. These standards support the management of anti-social behaviour (which covers hate incidents) and includes the following:


The policy is reviewed every three years or sooner based on changes in legislation. We will consider customer satisfaction responses and feedback from all involved and un-involved customer groups and use this to improve our services.
Corporate and Strategic key performance indicators are reported on a monthly basis to Executive Team; quarterly to Board and as part of the Annual Report to customers. These indicators are as follows:

Target 2023/2024
TP 08HiS treats you fairly and with respect75%
TP 12HiS’s approach to handling ASB60%
Neighbourhood as a place to live90%
Customer satisfaction with support received as part of the ASB process (transaction survey)80%

Risk assessments are carried out periodically to obtain detailed information of the customer’s needs and wellbeing throughout their case and improvements in the service are implemented from this.

Associated Policies/Procedures/Risk Assessment

HIS have produced a suite of procedures that outline our approach to assessing and investigation of reports of hate crime. These processes include :

A copy of our processes and procedures are available for customers to view on our website or by post on request.