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Lifts Safety Policy
Lead Officer/AuthorNaomi Macey
Department/SectionDirector of Assets Management and Safety
Contact DetailsNaomi.macey@homesinsedgemoor.org or 01278 435240
Document ControlDate
Review Date14 May 2021
H&S Forum Consultation15 June 2021
Leadership Team Consultation17 March 2021
Strategic Management Team/H&S Committee Approval26 March 2021
Board Approval27 July 2021Approved
Approved Version Issued1
Issue Number
Target ReviewJuly 2024


Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS) manages, on behalf of Sedgemoor District Council (SDC), Passenger Lifts within Non-Domestic Properties and other Lifts and Lifting Equipment within blocks with flats/maisonettes and in individual dwellings which must be periodically inspected, kept safe for use and regularly serviced.

This Policy explains how HiS’ commitments to Lift Safety will be met. It will be supported by a Lift Safety Management Plan providing more detailed Guidance and Procedures. The current breakdown of a number of domestic and communal assets types is as follows:

TypeNumberService Frequency % Currently Compliant
Passenger Lifts in Domestic Blocks 12Monthly100%
Stairlifts in Domestic Blocks 1Every 6 Months100%
Through Floor Lifts in Dwellings 10Every 6 Months100%
Stair Lifts in Dwellings 34Every 6 Months95%
Bath Hoists in Dwellings3Every 6 Months100%


The followings are those persons/bodies with the responsibility of ensuring this policy is implemented and adhered to. Detailed operational responsibilities will be set out in the Lists Safety Procedures which should always be read in conjunction with this policy.


SDC will remain the landlord responsible (Duty Holder) for ensuring that the requirements of this policy are adhered to by their Managing Agents, HiS. This will be achieved by scrutinising the quarterly report provided by HiS via SDC’s Committee and Board structure.

HiS Board

HiS Board will be responsible for monitoring performance and scrutinising the adherence to policy by HiS, holding the same to account and for achieving the

performance standards under the management agreement it has with SDC by ensuring:

Chief Executive – Homes in Sedgemoor

Retains the overall responsibility for the monitoring of the consistent implementation of this Policy. If the regulatory standards are not maintained report any breach in standards to the Regulator of Social Housing.

Statement of Intent

The key objective of this Policy is to describe how HiS will meet the required statutory, legislative, and regulatory requirements in relation to Lift Safety. It will also cover how the HiS Board, as Duty Holder, will receive assurance of statutory, legislative, and regulatory compliance.

The scope of this Policy includes Passenger Lifts, Lifting Equipment, Stair Lifts, Vertical (‘Through-Floor’) Lifts, Ceiling Track Hoists, Mobile Hoists, Bath Lifts and Slings.

Homes in Sedgemoor will comply with all current and relevant legislation and specifically as detailed in the following:

PUWER and LOLER apply in workplaces and in non-workplace Communal Parts that may be used by workers. They may also apply in Properties that contain Equipment used by people in a work capacity. HiS will access each situation within individual Dwellings and decide if it has become a workplace if support services are being provided.

HiS also acknowledges its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) 1974 and Landlord Tenant Act 1985. In addition, as a Landlord and provider of Social Housing SDC must meet the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing’s (RSH) Home Standard.

It is essential to ensure customers, contractors, staff, and visitors remain safe in SDC premises (both individual homes and offices).

Failure to properly comply with and/or discharge statutory, legal, or regulatory responsibilities may result in:


In order to comply with statutory, legislative, and regulatory standards, and to ensure the safety of our customers, staff, contractors and visitors to our properties, HiS will:


Homes in Sedgemoor will:

Contractor Competency

Homes in Sedgemoor will ensure:

Internal Competency

Homes in Sedgemoor will:



Homes in Sedgemoor will:


Homes in Sedgemoor will:


This Policy will be effective from 28th July 2021 following HiS Board approval.

Staff will be made aware of the Policy at priority training and a copy will be available on the Intranet. The Policy will also be uploaded to the HiS website.

This Policy should also be read in conjunction with the Lift Safety Procedure. Appropriate training will be provided for all those staffs involved with the operational delivery and implementation of the Landlord Compliance requirements and obligations in respect to Asbestos Safety detailed within this Policy.


This Policy is based on statutory, legislative, and regulatory requirements and, as such, consultation with customers has not taken place. There has been consultation with internal teams within HiS.

Equality and Diversity

HiS believe all people should be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including, nationality, ethnic or national origins), religion, belief or non-belief, sex, or sexuality or by association with someone with any of these characteristics or perception of having any of these characteristics.

Monitoring Performance

The following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be reported via the monthly Compliance Report:

% of Passenger Lift LOLER Inspections completed on time.

% of overdue Passenger Lift LOLER Inspections.

% of Passenger Lift Service Inspections completed on time.

% of overdue Passenger Lift Service Inspections.

% of Stair, Hoists and Vertical Lift Service Inspections completed.

% of overdue Stair, Hoists and Vertical Lift Service Inspections completed

Commentary will be provided for any Properties out of date to include the date they became overdue, days overdue and the action proposed to bring them back into a compliant position. Commentary will also be provided if any Properties have outstanding overdue actions. Additional context commentary will also include information on the proportion of activities within the reporting period that were undertaken before and after their due date.

Emergency Planning

HiS will provide procedures for emergency planning including:

Policy Review

This Policy will be reviewed every 36 months or earlier if deemed necessary through the Performance Monitoring process.