Rent a garage
Find out where available garages are and apply for one here
Homes in Sedgemoor manages garages across the district, on all our estates which are available to rent.
Garages can be used for vehicles or storage of items such as garden tools. Garages are let at a rate of £12.90 per week (+VAT for non-Homes in Sedgemoor customers). If you are interested in applying for a garage please contact our Customer Services Team by emailing or by phone at 01278 552400.
Your name will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted once a garage becomes available in your desired location. Garages are allocated firstly to Homes in Sedgemoor customers (with a clear rent account). If there are no Homes in Sedgemoor customers on a waiting list, then we will look to allocate to non-Homes in Sedgemoor customers.
Please note:
- Unfortunately, we are unable to offer viewings upon offer of a garage
- You will only be contacted if successful.
- Two months’ rent will be payable upon signup
- Garages cannot be used to store any noxious or flammable material

Garage Map
Apply for a garage
Apply to rent a garage from Homes in Sedgemoor