If you're looking for somewhere a little smaller, here's how you can go about downsizing
There are occasions when a home may feel like it’s too big or unsuited to your lifestyle.
There’s no obligation to downsize, however, if you do decide to go ahead, we’ll help you apply to the Housing Register, as well as support you to move home.
If you would like to find out more, Homes in Sedgemoor can arrange a home visit and explain how the Home Moves Plus Incentive Scheme* could possibly help you.
*Funding for this scheme is subject to availability and eligibility.

Bedroom Tax
You may also decide to downsize if you are affected by the Bedroom Tax. The Under Occupancy Charge or Spare Room subsidy, also known as Bedroom Tax, was introduced by the Government in April 2013.
Bedroom tax affects anyone of working age and your Housing Benefit will be cut by:
- 14% if you are deemed to have one spare bedroom or
- 25% if you have two or more spare bedrooms.
Couples and adults will still be entitled to their own bedroom. However:
- A boy or girl under the age of 10 are expected to share with each other
- A boy or girl over 10 and under 16 years are expected to share with a child of the same sex as them
- You may be deemed to have a spare bedroom if your child/children do not live with you all the time
A severely disabled youngster may be able to have their own room – for example, if they would seriously disrupt the sleep of another child if they were to share.
Other exceptions can apply if you are a foster carer, have an overnight carer, an adult child serving in the armed forces who is away on duty or is a student who normally lives at home.
If you are concerned about how the bedroom tax could affect you, please contact us for free and confidential advice.
How to downsize
To find out more about the scheme and the benefits of downsizing, contact our Homes Moves Plus Officer, via Customer Services.