Safeguarding Policy
Homes in Sedgemoor's Safeguarding Policy
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Title | Safeguarding Policy |
Lead Officer/Author | Claire Tough |
Position | Director of Communities & Customer Service |
Department/Section | Communities and Customer Service |
Contact details | 01278 435400 Email: Homes in Sedgemoor, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3AR |
Document control | Date | Comments |
Version | 1.0 | Full Review – This is a new Policy. Version control reset therefore this is version 1.0 Previous Policy Agreed 4 Nov 2020 |
Draft produced | July 2023 | |
H&S Forum consultation | 8 November 2023 | Circulated for Review – No comments received |
Senior Leadership Team consultation | August 2023 | Reference to risk assessment at HiS events to include safeguarding considerations for children and vulnerable adults Included section on professional boundaries |
Involved Customers | 9 November 2023 | Service Improvement Group no comments STAC – no comments |
Executive Team/H&S Committee approval | 14 November 2023 | Include links to 121s and case reviews |
Board approval | 28 Nov 2023 | Subject to Board approval |
Approved version issued | ||
Issue number | 1.0 | |
Target review | November 2026 | |
Amendments/updates |
Safeguarding Policy Statement
- Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS) is committed to the duty of care to safeguard all children and adults that are identified by our colleagues, contractors or other agencies carrying out visits on HiS’s behalf as potentially being at risk of harm.
- HiS is also committed to the duty of care to safeguard our colleagues in the execution of their duties on behalf of the organisation.
- This statement sets out Homes in Sedgemoor’s policy on safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. It includes a statement of principles for use by colleagues for both developing and accessing safeguarding arrangements.
Scope of this Policy
- This Policy covers all the functions and services delivered by Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS) colleagues, partners and contractors nominated charities and specifically relates to:
- All employees (including Board Members) of HiS who have dealings with children, young people and adults with care and support needs and who are required to act in a position of trust
and to act responsibly and within the law. - All volunteers and other workers involved in the provision of housing services but not employed by the organisation, including workers in organisations with whom this organisation
has contracts for the delivery of services.
- All employees (including Board Members) of HiS who have dealings with children, young people and adults with care and support needs and who are required to act in a position of trust
- This Policy is primarily concerned with protecting children, young people and adults with care and support needs, from harm and providing guidance on how to deal with issues. However, it is important to remember that safeguarding has a wider meaning which includes the promotion of welfare and taking action to enable all children, young people and adults with care and support needs to have the best life outcomes.
- This policy does not cover health and safety issues related to safeguarding children such as use of play equipment or provision of food at events. Separate guidance on this and appropriate behaviours when dealing with children and adults with care and support needs, should be read in conjunction with this policy.
- All HiS events will be risk assessed to ensure an appropriate level of safeguarding is in place to support the safety of children and adults attending these events.
Safeguarding relates to protecting children and adults who may be vulnerable from all types of abuse and exploitation. There is no comprehensive categorisation of abuse and exploitation, but the
commonly recognised forms of abuse are Physical, Sexual, Financial, Psychological, Discriminatory, Neglect or acts of omission, Organisational, Self-Neglect, Domestic Abuse and Modern Slavery.
Definitions of Children and Adults at Risk
- Children and young people are defined in law, as up to and including the age of 17. Once an individual passes their 18th birthday, they are legally an adult. An extension of this age exists for service provision for children who are disabled and for those in local authority care settings
- Adult – In the context of the legislation, specific adult safeguarding duties apply to any adult who has care and support needs and is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect and is unable to protect themselves because of their care and support needs.
- An adult with care and support needs may be:
- an older person
- a person with a physical disability, a learning difficulty or a sensory impairment
- someone with mental health needs, including dementia or a personality disorder
- a person with a long-term health condition
- someone who misuses substances or alcohol to the extent that it affects their ability to manage day-to-day living.
- The legislation also includes people who are victims of sexual exploitation, domestic abuse and modern slavery.
- People with care and support needs are not inherently vulnerable, but they may come to be at risk of abuse or neglect at any point due to:
- physical or mental ill-health
- becoming disabled
- getting older
- not having support networks
- inappropriate accommodation
- financial circumstances or
- being socially isolated
Purpose of this Policy
The purpose of this safeguarding policy is built on the following principles:
- That Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We recognise our duty to safeguard children and vulnerable adults, and we recognise that working in partnership with other organisations is
essential to this - That all children and vulnerable people, regardless of their background, have the right to be protected from abuse, exploitation, or harm
- To prevent and reduce the risk of significant harm to vulnerable adults and children from abuse and other types of exploitation
- To support individuals in maintaining control over their lives to make informed choices without coercion.
- To provide direction that is clear and proportionate whilst maximising local flexibility that is outcome focussed
- To share information guided on a case-by-case basis whilst acknowledging this is a significant element of safeguarding and improves outcomes for all
Roles and Responsibilities
- It is not the responsibility of HiS to decide whether abuse has taken place. However, it is the responsibility of all individuals within the company to act by reporting their concerns in accordance with this Policy to the appropriate agencies.
- The role of the Safeguarding Board Champion is to provide support and challenge to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the leadership of HiS on how they manage safeguarding so that the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable adults can continuously improve. The DSL and the safeguarding champion meet at least six-monthly to discuss safeguarding issues and to agree steps to continuously improve safeguarding practices in HiS.
- The Director of Communities and Customer Services is the Designated Safeguarding Lead within the organisation and has responsibility for demonstrating a clear strategic lead and ensuring that safeguarding adults and children occurs across all areas of the business. As the champion for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children within HiS, the lead will ensure that we work in partnership with key partners to address any concerns and are protected within the facilities, services and activities under the direct remit and control of HiS.
- The Housing Manager has overall responsibility for receiving and recording information relating to concerns regarding the welfare of children and adults at risk. Referral to partner agencies can be undertaken by any officer however they should first be reported to the Housing Manager as Designated Safeguarding Officer who will co-ordinate the case management of any safeguarding issues delegating additional responsibilities as appropriate.
- All colleagues including agency, volunteers and contractors are responsible for understanding reporting and sharing information about the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults. Ultimate
- responsibility lies with Executive Team who will be available to cover in the event of short-term absence of designated officers.
- Managers at all levels are responsible for ensuring colleagues understand safeguarding, receive training and are supported through the safeguarding process. Managers must reference safeguarding training requirements through the colleague 121s to ensure we remain compliant, ensuring all colleagues are suitably trained and receive a safeguarding refresher courses each year.
- All necessary steps must be taken at a team level by managers to ensure that they, their colleagues and contractors are compliant with the requirements of this policy.
- When organising or holding an event or activity the person organising the event is expected to verify that safeguarding arrangements are effective when using third party organisations to supply people to undertake the activity.
- Where colleagues require further information, advice, or support in the delivery of this policy, they should contact the Director of Communities and Customer Service, as the safeguarding lead for the organisation.
- We will deliver our commitments on safeguarding by:
- Ensuring children and adults at risk are protected within the facilities, services and activities under the direct remit and control of the Council.
- Ensuring the welfare of children and adults at risk are of paramount importance, regardless of age, race, social class, gender, culture, religious belief, ability or sexual identity when planning, organising, advising on and delivering activities and services.
- Responding swiftly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse, and to ensure confidential information is restricted to the appropriate external agencies
- Establishing the roles and responsibilities of all parties within this policy.
- Minimising chances of abuse through effective recruitment and selection procedures.
- Having procedures in place for dealing with concerns through the process of timely and appropriate reporting of issues to statutory authorities.
- Supporting the promotion of a safe working environment and a culture of care in which the rights of all children, young people and adults with care and support needs are protected and
respected. - Promoting best practice in how employees, Board members and associated workers interact with children, young people and adults with care and support needs while providing Council
services. - Developing clear guidance and procedures for those employees, elected members and associated workers and ensure through training and support that they are aware of these and able to
implement them. - Providing a framework for developing partnerships with appropriate external bodies
- Ensuring the policy continues to reflect legal and best practice requirements in respect of the responsibility of care of children, young people and adults with care and support needs.
- Taking part in strategy discussions and inter-agency meetings where appropriate
Safeguarding Colleagues
- In fulfilling our duty of care toward our employees, we will ensure policies are in place including the Safer Recruitment Policy, Integrity at Work Policy, and our Disciplinary Procedures. These are periodically reviewed and are approved by Executive Team (ET) as appropriate.
- As part of the induction process all colleagues must read and ensure they understand the Lone Working Policy, Social Media and Networking Policy, amongst other documents pertinent to their
- employment.
- We will make colleagues aware of training courses and the latest local safeguarding arrangements available through the local safeguarding partner arrangements.
- All colleagues including Board members are required to undertake annual e-learning safeguarding training. Our induction programme also incorporates safeguarding e-learning for colleagues alongside safe working practices etc for individual roles.
Professional Boundaries
- Maintaining professional boundaries with customers is very important. This protects not only the customers but also HiS colleagues from confusion and the blurring of those boundaries.
- If a member of staff finds themselves in a situation where there is a conflict of interest or their behaviour may be called into question, they will be expected to flag this up to their Line Manager immediately so this can be discussed. An example could be anything that could jeopardise the professional working relationship.
- HiS colleagues must not disclose their personal address or phone number to customers; they will always offer a work number. In addition they must not communicate via personal email or social media accounts with customers.
- HiS would expect any HiS colleague who became the subject of a police investigation, to notify their direct Line Manager immediately.
Process and Procedures related to this Policy
- Reporting a Safeguarding concern Standard Operating Procedure
- (SOP) reviewed Nov 2023 in accordance with this Policy
- Making a safeguarding referral SOP
- Dealing with allegations of abuse by any HiS colleague or representative of Homes in Sedgemoor SOP
- Reporting concerns regarding Child Sexual Exploitation SOP
- Reporting concerns regarding Modern Slavery and human trafficking SOP
- Early Help Assessment forms
Monitoring and Review
- We will maintain a record of safeguarding referrals to ensure each referral is managed and responded to as appropriate through our OPEN Housing management system.
- Alerts of Concern will be triggered through the contractor management system and included on the OPEN Housing management system. Safeguarding concerns will be addressed though this policy.
- All reports will be included on the Monthly Compliance Report which is received by the Executive Team and Board monthly and by the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) quarterly.
- We will review and consult on this policy every 3 years, seeking comments from stakeholders, partners, and customers as well as reviewing it against current good practice, regulatory and legal requirements.
- We will undertake an annual review of the effectiveness of Safeguarding as an update and impact report to each March Board.
Homes in Sedgemoor – Safeguarding Associated Reading
- This policy is drawn up with reference to: (legislation)
- Domestic Abuse Act 2021
- Serious Crime Act 2015 (Pt 5 refers to female genital mutilation, child cruelty and domestic abuse)
- Counter terrorism and Security Act 2015 (s26 links to Prevent)
- Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Care Act 2014 (s42-s46 related to safeguarding)
- Anti-social behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014 (Pt 10 links to forced marriage)
- Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
- Equalities Act 2010
- The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- The Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Children’s Act 2004 (s11)
- The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004
- Reference made to the following sources and guidance (best practice etc) including:
- HM Government Working Together to Safeguard Children;
- A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children March 2015
- National Framework of Standards for Good Practice and Outcomes in Adult Protection Work
- Somerset Local Safeguarding Children Board Serious Incidents Review Protocol 2015
- PREVENT Strategy 2011
- Resolving Professional Differences Protocol – SSCB
- HiS Whistleblowing Policy