We are aware customers are experiencing delays in payments posting to their rent accounts since the payment system changed last week.

Homes in Sedgemoor is working hard with Somerset Council to resolve this issue but please be assured your payments are perfectly safe and will be allocated to accounts as soon as possible.

If you would like a hard copy of this publication, or would like it in larger print, audio form, Braille, or in another language, please contact our Customer Services Team.

TitleTenancy Policy
Lead Officer/AuthorsLindsey Hoggard
PositionNeighbourhood Manager
Contact detailslindsey.hoggard@homesinsedgemoor.org
Document controlDateComments
Draft producedJune 2021
H&S Forum consultationN/A
Leadership Team consultationJuly 2021Rent arrears procedure referred to
Customer ReviewSept 2021Two positive responses regarding the policy
Strategic Management Team/H&S Committee approvalDec 2021Confirm SDC Strategic Manager have approved
SDC Approved 21 Dec 21
Board approvalNA
Approved version issued21 Dec 21
Issue number1
Target reviewSept 2023

Tenancy Policy Statement

This policy is written to meet the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and fulfils the obligation for registered housing providers to publish clear and accessible policies, which outline their approach to tenancy management.

Purpose of this Policy

The purpose of this Tenancy Policy is to set out how Homes in Sedgemoor (HIS) will manage tenancies on behalf of Sedgemoor District Council (SDC).

Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all tenants of Sedgemoor District Council living in homes managed by Homes in Sedgemoor.


Types of Tenancies

We will offer to new tenants, or to existing tenants transferring within Sedgemoor District Council housing stock, the following types of tenancy:

Changes to a Tenancy

Following the granting of a tenancy, a tenant of a secure tenancy can apply to change that tenancy. This includes:

Rent Setting

Homes in Sedgemoor’s approach to tenancy sustainment

How to End a Tenancy

Tenancy fraud

Processes and Procedures related to this policy

Monitoring and Review

Homes in Sedgemoor – Tenancy policy