We are aware customers are experiencing delays in payments posting to their rent accounts. We are working hard with Somerset Council to resolve this issue but please be assured your payments are perfectly safe and will be allocated to accounts as soon as possible.

22 Mar 2023

Picture of the current STAC Chair, Sarah O'Neil

New STAC Chair

A new chair has been appointed to our Sedgemoor Tenants Assurance Committee (STAC).

09 Mar 2023

Image showing containers and building equipment at the Penlea House development site.

Work Continues at Penlea House

What’s happening in March?

08 Mar 2023

Aerial view of Bridgwater and West Street.

Middlezoy affordable homes

Middlezoy Parish Council has invited Homes in Sedgemoor (HiS) to work with them on their community-driven project to build new affordable homes in the village.