Bucking the National Trend with Satisfaction Scores

Homes in Sedgemoor is bucking the national trend with its high scoring Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) – a benchmark that grades customer satisfaction with their housing providers.

This is the first year that all registered landlords have been required by law to generate and publish TSMs, allowing customers to scrutinise their landlords’ performances.

Almost half a million tenant perception surveys were completed by all landlords with 1,000 or more homes, to provide a national average.

In some cases, HIS beat the national average by up to 16% scoring well above in all areas measured.

The proportion of HiS customers who reported they felt satisfied with the overall service from their landlord was 82%, more than 10% higher than the national average.

Those HiS customers who were satisfied that their landlord makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood was 79% compared to the national average of 63%.

Across the board HiS scored highly and in many cases met our own targets.

Ben Lane, Director of Finance and Performance, said: ‘Our tenant satisfaction results reflect the dedication and hard work of our team, demonstrating the exceptional services we deliver to our customers. Thank you to our staff for going above and beyond to make this possible.’