Judging complete for 2024 Garden Competition

A judging team from Homes in Sedgemoor had the pleasure of judging thirteen gardens in this year’s Garden Competition.

Community Enabler Sharon, Director of Communities & Customer Service Claire, and Tenant Board Member Marie were joined by Somerset Councillor Fran Smith, to judge this year’s garden competition entries.

They spent two days visiting the gardens across Sedgemoor with entries ranging from Small Garden to Sustainable Foods.

Councillor Smith said: “Thank you for a wonderful two days judging the Tenants gardens. I really enjoyed everyone’s company as we toured the area meeting lovely tenants who had put so much time, effort, and enthusiasm into making their gardens fantastic areas to enjoy.

“I loved meeting everyone and hearing their stories. It is a great competition and a lovely way to engage with Tenants.

“I hope there are even more entries next year as I am sure there must be many more magnificent gardens within the Sedgemoor Homes Housing stock that have not yet been seen!

“It was a well organised event, thank you Sharon!”

The winners of this year’s Garden Competition will be revealed in October’s Star Awards evening where other stars from around Sedgemoor will be celebrated.